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1.  Date and time of the event - April 14-24, 2016
2.  Venue: Full address, hints on how to go there - Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre: 25a Petropavlovskaya st., Perm 614000 Russia
3.  Title of event - XIV Russian Open Ballet Competition ARABESQUE-2016 named after Ekaterina Maximova
4.  Organizer - Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre
5.  Participants - ballet dancers and students from Russia and the whole world. Choreographers, contemporary dancers.
6.  Description-Program: Couples and soloists devided into two age groups take part in the competition. The program consists in three Rounds. Within Round 2 the competition of choreographers and contemporary dancers is held.
7.  Contact details: Telephone, email, website, postal address -,


The CID Panorama
a program of the
International Dance Council CID, the official organization for dance world wide