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Republic of Kalmykia



The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of Kalmyk Republic
The Kalmyk Institute of humanitarian studievjyujkmcrbq The Russian Academy of Sciences
The Kalmyk State University
The Kalmyk State Dance Theatre “Oiraty”

Information letter

Dear colleagues!

The International scientific and practical conference “Dance as historical and cultural heritage of Mongolian speaking peoples” will take place from 5 to 8 November 2013 in the frame of the celebration ceremony dedicated to the 75 anniversary of Honoured Artistic Worker of the Russian Federation, Honoured Artistic Worker of Republic of Chechnya, Cavalier of the order of Friendship, Member of the International Dance Committee (UNESCO), Artistic director and Chief choreographer of the Kalmyk State Dance Theatre "Oiraty" Peter Nadbitov.
            The most important problems of development of Mongolian speaking peoples’ dance folklore, of its history, of its actual standing will be discussed at the International scientific and practical conference.
The proposed subjects of the conference work:

-         Historical and cultural unity of Turkic and Mongolian speaking peoples
-         Choreographic traditions of  Mongolian speaking peoples
-         Musical folklore: typology and regional specificity
-         Dance and oral folk art
-         Ethnic choral art: traditions and innovations
-         Dance as mode of life and language of culture
-         Dance and stage costume
-         Problems of preservation of dance folklore in terms of globalization

The participants’ applications and documentation for publication are accepted till 15 September of 2013.  
The requirements to the articles’ design:
The text of report must be drawn up in form of scientific article (volume of the text – till 10 pages).
The parameters of text editor – Word (***.doc); type Times New Roman, size 14; margins: upper and lower – 2 sm, left margin – 3 sm, right – 1,5 sm;  without divisions of words; line spacing – 1,5 sm; text justification – width.
The design of the title: the first line – the report’s name, print’s size 14, bold type, text justification according to the center: the second line – name and surname, print’s size 14, conventional print, text justification according to the width.
The references must be placed in the text, marked out from 2 sides by square brackets. Book’s references are made by indicating of author’s name (without initials) or (if there is no author) by mentioning of book’s title, publication’s year, after colon page number [Ivanov 1925: 17, 44-50] [History 2002: 51].
The report’s text must correspond to the subject of the conference, thoroughly verified, redacted and certified by author’s signature. The organization committee has the right to select reports for including to the program. The manuscripts and other documentation are not returned. All the documentation will be used for publication of collected articles.

All documentation should be sent to the following address:

358000 Republic of Kalmykia, Elista, 8 Ilishkina street, Kalmyk State Institute of Humanitarian Sciences. The conference organization committee.
Telephone: 8 847 22 3 55 06, 8 847 22 3 55 47, fax: 847 22 2 37 84
Coordinator: Badmaeva Ekaterina Nikolaevna, vice director of the Kalmyk Institute of Humanitarian Sciences (The Russian Academy of Sciences).

The CID Panorama
a program of the
International Dance Council CID, the official organization for dance world wide