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Master Degree in Choreographic realization and artistic coordination of the territory and archaeological sites

The Gesture Archeology: On the route of Magna Grecia

Ethno-choreutic trace in Mediterranean Cultures and beyond" is a didactic project of Accademia Nazionale di Danza, unique role in Italy as an Institute for high education in dance. It has been realized thanks to MIUR, AFAM and Europe and with the collaboration of Polo Museale della Basilicata, UniBas, Dipartimento delle Culture Europee e del Mediterraneo - DICEM and Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici of Matera.

The Master Degree is focused on the knowledge of archeology-history and anthropology linked to dance and the process of dance composition in a contemporary form that does not loose the attention to the context and its social and aesthetic function. It is oriented to perfect choreography for archaeological sites and enhancement of the territory, with outlets such as:

  • Cultural operators for territory revaluation;
  • Coordinators of dance programs in collaboration with Festival for ancient theatre, foundation supporting local areas of historical and cultural interest;
  • Choreographers for special projects on specific sites (archeological areas);
  • Choreographers and directors for special thematic projects set in an itinerary of locations with multimedia installations.

Here the CALL to partecipate and here the Application Form / Domanda di Partecipazione to complete the registration.

To all concerned:
the subscription on the Master is extended until reaching the minimum number of memebers (n 10 members). Because of the difficulties for the students to pay the cost of the master, in according with the administration, AND will give the subscribers the opportunity to pay the fee in n 3 rates, as follows:

1- First rate € 2.000 at the time of registration
2- Second rate € 2.500 by 30/06/2019
3- Third rate € 2.500 within 5 days before the final thesis discussion

The CID Panorama
a program of the
International Dance Council CID, the official organization for dance world wide